9 Tips to Manage Your Time Even When You "Have No Time"


Do you find yourself saying, "I don't have time"?

This is a common statement from entrepreneurs, employees, and students. It doesn't matter what industry you work in or how old you are - everyone has felt the stress of time running out at some point.

And how many times have you heard that time management is the answer to your problems?

With these nine tips on managing your time effectively, I will show why time management is so important and how you can manage your time!

Why is Time Management Important?

Time management means using your time wisely and efficiently so that you can be more productive.

The time you have in a day isn't infinite, so managing your time well will give you the chance to do everything on your list and not feel overwhelmed or stressed out about it.

Time is a limited resource - you can't make more of it.

One of the reasons why time management is so important is because time is a limited resource.

You can't make more of it, no matter how much you want to do or get done - there are only 24 hours in the day.

Some people think that time management is all about productivity and getting things done, but actually, time management also involves saving time for yourself by saying "no" when necessary.

Saying "no" can be difficult but managing your time well, requires this skill. In this blog post, you can find the templates I use to say "no".

You have the same amount of time as anyone else, but what you do with your time will determine how successful you are

Whether you're looking for ways to get ahead at work or improve your personal life by taking time off from mindless social media scrolling and TV binging, time management will allow you to do anything you set your mind to.

With time management, you will get more done in less time with higher quality results. You'll be able to accomplish all of the goals that you've always wanted without sacrificing sleep or spending every waking hour at work. With time management, time is no longer your limiting resource. Time is now your ally.

By managing your time well, you'll be able to complete tasks in less time than if not managed at all.

During the day, little distractions will pop up. It's only when you commit to managing your time daily that you'll be able to complete time-consuming tasks in less time.

As long as nothing is more important than time management, then you'll be able to get things done in less time and free up some space on your calendar for other activities.

Time Management allows you to have more time for leisure, family, and personal activities.

Whether it's time to read a book, relax with friends and family or pursue your hobbies, you'll have more time for the things that matter most.

Time management allows you to have more time for leisure, family, and personal activities. If time is limited at work, think about how much time you spend on less important tasks such as checking your emails and social media.

When your time is managed well, it can make you feel less stressed and overwhelmed.

When your time is managed well, you will feel less stressed and overwhelmed by what you have to do. Time can even make you more productive.

You feel more in control of what is happening around you. It allows you to have time for everything that matters most, making your life less complicated.

Time management may be complex at first, but time management must become part of your daily life if you want time for what matters most.

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9 Tips to Manage Your Time Even When You “Have No Time”

I’ve seen it too many times where people say they “don’t have any time,” but then somehow find the time to spend hours on social media or getting lost in their phone. Yes... I might be included sometimes.

You may not think you have enough time now, but if you start planning for your future now, you will see how much more free and open your schedule becomes.

Sometimes it’s hard to break away from the grind but these 9 tips will help you manage your time even when you "have no time".

Plan Out your Week Ahead of Time.

You can plan out your time in a weekly grid, marking down which tasks you will do on certain days.

On Sunday night or Monday morning, put together the list of things that need to get done during the week. Include time blocks for important meetings and activities too.

You can also use time blocks for smaller tasks. For example, you might block out time to read a chapter of a book or spend time on a project that needs more attention.

A grid system is an effective way to plan and manage your time better. And if you’re still not sure about planning your days, read these 7 reasons!

Plan Out your Week Ahead of Time.

Make a List of Your Priorities and Tasks.

This is one of the most effective techniques. And a perfect way to connect the 3 rules of time management.

You can make a list of your tasks by dividing them into three parts: Urgent, Important, and Not so important. To help you prioritize, ask yourself these questions:

  • What needs to be accomplished right now?

  • Are there any deadlines that need to be met?

  • What is the impact on my business if each task isn't completed by its deadline?

Then, you should take the time to rank each task. Urgent and important tasks should be done first, followed by urgent but not so important tasks, with other unimportant things last.

This time management technique is called ABCDE ranking, which stands for:

  • “A” tasks are the most time-sensitive and critical. These should be done first

  • “B” tasks aren't time-sensitive but very important in general. If they're not completed, there'll likely be severe consequences to your business or personal life. You can tackle these after completing all of your "A" tasks.

  • “C” tasks are time-sensitive but not critical. You can do these after your "A" and "B" tasks if you have time left over

  • “D” tasks aren't time-sensitive, but they're still crucial to completing the project or reaching your goal. These should be completed by last since they don't need to be done right away. And can even be delegated.

  • “E” tasks aren't urgent, important, or time-sensitive and would only distract from completing higher priority projects on time. Ignore them.

This ABCDE ranking system should help you prioritize and manage your tasks. Using this time management technique, you can make more time for yourself by completing “A” priorities before “B” or “C” priorities.


Break Big Tasks into Smaller Ones

A common issue is not understanding the time it takes to complete a task. This will lead to underestimating how long it would take and scheduling too many tasks for the time limit.

People often tell themselves that they have plenty of time but then rush through their work or do not have time to complete their tasks.

Breaking a big and ambitious task into smaller ones is about simplifying your life and reducing the friction of 'getting to work.'

For example, if you have a report to write at work, break it up into time frames for each report section. You can then tackle a one-time frame per day or set aside time every until it is complete.

This method works well if there are many smaller subtasks involved in completing your goal or project. You can break down each part and then put them all together.

This time management technique ensures you complete your work and don't leave it for the last minute when prioritizing the tasks would be more stressful. By breaking up your time into smaller time frames, you will find yourself with more time to work through everything at a steady pace.

The end goal is that the bigger task will be completed by the time you complete all of these small tasks.

Break Big Tasks into Smaller Ones

Set Deadlines for Each Task and Project

When time is the topic of discussion, what is commonly said is "it flies by."

In time management, deadlines are essential, and they should be set for each task or project you have in mind so that your time is not wasted.

Setting deadlines is simple, but you need to be committed not to break your deadline or miss the set period. To set deadlines effectively, follow these three steps:

#1: Set a deadline for the first task on your ABCDE list, then do it immediately before moving on to the next task.

#2: Continue the process until you complete all time-consuming tasks on your list.

#3: Dedicate your attention fully to each task so that no time is wasted and every second counts toward productivity, focus, and results.

Set Deadlines for Each Task and Project

Work on One Task at a Time, Instead of Multitasking.

To get more tasks done in less time and with better quality, work on only one thing at once! You can switch between different projects during the day, but keep your focus on one thing at a time.

This is quite different from how many people work, which seems to be the opposite: multitasking and switching between tasks constantly. But research shows that this actually reduces productivity.

Why should you work on only one task? Because your brain can't handle more than two things simultaneously very well.

Attention residue, a term coined by Sophie Leroy highlights this phenomenon well.

So instead of multitasking, learn how to focus:

  • Focus on one task and set time limits for yourself. This will help you get into the flow state and enjoy your work more.

  • Eliminate Distractions: Turn off your phone and internet connection, or time limit these distractions.

  • Even if you're interrupted, try to take the time it takes for that interruption and then get back right away to your initial project or task.

  • When you're stuck, take a break: get up from your desk and move around. It might help to change the scenery or work with another person.

  • Set clear priorities: what's the most important task? Focus on that one first, then switch to other tasks.

Multitasking may sound appealing. But in reality, it is a habit that will decrease your efficiency.

Work on One Task at a Time, Instead of Multitasking.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a timeboxing method. Francesco Cirillo developed it in the late 1980s. The approach uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. These intervals are named pomodoros, the plural of the Italian word pomodoro for "tomato."

The method is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility. It has been shown to increase productivity by keeping workers focused on tasks.

With timeboxing, you set aside time to work with complete focus and dedication without distractions or interruptions. This time is separated into blocks of intense activity followed by planned breaks.

The Pomodoro Technique helps you focus on your work and boost productivity without wasting time or succumbing to distractions.

The technique has been used for more than two decades in the software industry and beyond, with millions of blog posts written on the topic.

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Set up a timer for 25 minutes -- work intensively, then give yourself a 5-minute break. And repeat.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

Schedule Time For Rest

It might be tempting to fill your schedule with... work. But what about rest?

There is a time to rest and time to work. If you want high levels of productivity, it's crucial not only to schedule time for work but also time for relaxing.

Filling your life with too much can wear out anyone very quickly - this means that there needs to be a balance between time spent on activities such as work and time spent on time for relaxing.

But without proper rest, don't expect consistent levels of efficiency and results. Instead, expect burnout. And if you can’t rest without feeling guilty, read this post.

Schedule time for sleep, for relaxing, for physical activity, and for socializing. You will feel so much better afterward.

set time for rest

Use Apps to Help you Become More Productive.

If you are looking to manage your time better, some apps might help you do exactly that. Apps like Notion, Toggl, and Google Calendar all have great features for time management.

For example, Notion is a great app. It helps you get organized and stay on top of projects you are working on simultaneously. This software makes it a straightforward task for you to keep track of your work and not let anything slip through the cracks.

Toggl also has excellent time management features. This time management app allows you to keep track of your time on a project and bill your clients accordingly.

Google Calendar helps people stay organized as well. You can create calendars for different projects. This will help you see how much time is being spent on each task at a glance.

These time management apps are great for people who want more productivity in their lives and need help keeping track of their time on different projects.

If you're looking for other productivity apps, check my Favorite 21 Apps for 2021.

Be Realistic about what you can Achieve in a Given Time Frame.

Time management is an excellent skill to have, but time mastery requires time management.

You must be realistic about what you can achieve in a time frame. If you are not, this becomes an endless cycle as there will always be less time than things you want to get done.

This can lead to high levels of stress, and time management becomes more of a chore than something you want to do.

Being realistic about what can be achieved in time is crucial for time management because it allows you to plan your time and set smart goals. It will help keep your stress levels down, too, so that's another benefit.


If time is money, Time management is how you increase your wealth.

Whether you're working on a business or trying to get an internship - time does equal money.

If you have more time in the day for what's essential, then that means it can be converted into more revenue-generating activities.

It's time to stop thinking you can't get more out of your time.

If you're looking for ways to manage your time and increase productivity, implement the nine strategies above... and thrive.

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